What are the best ads to run on Facebook and Instagram (Meta)?

August 15, 2024

By Jonathan Whiting

best ads on Facebook and instagram

What are the best ads to run on Facebook and Instagram (Meta)?

August 15, 2024

By Jonathan Whiting

best ads on Facebook and instagram

What are the best ads to run on Facebook and Instagram (Meta)?

August 15, 2024

By Jonathan Whiting

best ads on Facebook and instagram

How to promote your business on Facebook & Instagram with great ads.

The market is more competitive than ever. So it’s critical that your business is seen, is generating new inquiries, and is establishing new client relationships. As Brian Buffini, Gary Keller, Tom Ferry, and Mike Ferry all agree. Leads are the lifeblood of business. And you need to them to ensure your business is thriving.

The latest NAR findings report that more than half (52%) of real estate agents say their highest quality leads come from social media. Compared to their CRM (32%) and MLS (26%).

It’s no secret that agents who are investing in their social media ads are winning.

You don’t need to spend thousands on ads, you just need to know the real estate Facebook ad formula that works.

Getting Started

The Facebook Ad platform allows you to generate leads.

Running ads on Meta is different than the traditional model of paying a lead provider for leads. Such as Zillow, Trulia, Sold, etc. Meta’s algorithm works by showing your ad to a broad audience. It then uses the ad to match the right audience to the creative.

Facebook has 3.065 billion monthly active users. And Instagram has 2 billion monthly active users. Which means, unlike a traditional provider, it is able to show your ad to everyone who is active in the market, about to be in the market, and thinking about being in the market.

You reach people before anyone else.

Cost per lead

Margins in real estate, as in many other businesses, are being squeezed. Lead providers are charging anywhere from 25%-40% of the transaction for referrals. Usually the agent is competing with many others by the time they reach a person at this stage. Most home sellers have already listed their property.

Social media advertising gives agents the opportunity to get your profit margin back. By putting you in control of your lead generation engine. Running social media ads using StreetText allows you to attract inquiries on Meta at the fraction of the cost. And gives you the chance to establish communication and a relationship with the home owner and buyer before they speak with another agent.

StreetText makes advertising on Facebook and Instagram easy. It optimizes the settings of your ads for performance and saves you time.

What are the best ads to run on Facebook and Instagram to generate inquiries and leads?

There is a gold, silver and bronze Facebook ad strategy based on the average timeframe of the lead and what you’re looking for (home buyer or home seller). It’s a little like investing in the stock market. You have high growth investments. Long term investments. And dividend investments. Let’s start with the “Gold” strategy.

🥇 Gold: Find people actively searching (Shortest nurture timeframe)

Have a real estate listing or open house?

Ads promoting your listings will get you immediate inquiries and conversations. Bonus tip: use StreetText to automatically generate a landing page or form to capture contact details of people looking at your listing.

🥈 Silver: Find people researching (Medium nurture timeframe)

The next most ready contact will be people looking for a home to buy.

The best ads offer unique lists of homes for sale, that they can’t find easily elsewhere. Such as a list of homes with pools or a list of homes with rental suites.

Looking for home owners with a property to sell?

Use the downsize, rightsize, or up size method. Many people begin looking for their next home before they list their existing home. You can attract these home owners by offering a list of homes that they will be moving to. We call these home owners in disguise.

🥉 Bronze: Find people in the consideration phase (Awesome results, longest term nurture)

The holy grail of social media ads is attracting home owners looking to list. The home value ad is an excellent way to generate a list of home owners considering selling their home in the future.

To make this strategy the most effective you will need to implement a home value nurture tool such as HomeBot or RealScout. And an automated video email introducing who you are and how you are going to serve them. That way your growing list of potential sellers continue to receive value from you every month. Establishing you as their trusted guide in the process.


More than half of Realtors report their highest quality leads coming from social media. Advertising is a powerful way to build your contact base, stay top of mind, and generate business.

To get the best quality results you need to implement the right ad creative. And to get the best cost per lead on Meta you need to use the right tools. So your ad is getting in front of the best audience for you.

StreetText AI can help you improve the performance of your ads. Our AI platform will monitor your current ads on Meta (Facebook & Instagram) and ensure they are delivering your target cost per lead. You won’t have to wait to see results. New ads perform within 24-72 hours and StreetText AI will begin analyzing and optimizing your ads immediately.

StreetText also gives you a library of the best ads with stats, so you can see exactly what ad is working in today’s market.

To keep learning, check out these other posts

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StreetText makes advertising on Facebook & Instagram easy. Tap into new leads, be everywhere with remarketing, and exponentially grow your business 🚀

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