What is Jeff Maass’ lead source that is getting him listings?

May 2, 2022

By Jonathan Whiting

What is Jeff Maass’ lead source that is getting him listings?

May 2, 2022

By Jonathan Whiting

What is Jeff Maass’ lead source that is getting him listings?

May 2, 2022

By Jonathan Whiting

6 additional listing deals from his Facebook ads on StreetText. That’s an 18X ROI.

Jeff Maass has been a licensed Real Estate Broker for over 25 years. During that period, he has represented over 750 clients and sold over 950 properties.

Shay Alford sat down with Jeff Maass to discuss what his secondary source of lead generation is for listings. They dive into how long he’s been in business, his philosophy on building strong demand, and how he treats his leads to ensure that he’s the one that they want to do business with. 

If you’re ever needing an amazing agent in Orange County, California, I highly recommend reaching out to Jeff.

Over the next few articles I’ll be sharing Jeff’s lead generation strategy. His follow up strategy. And what his systems look like. Let’s dive in.

“I was looking for a secondary source of lead generation for listings.” 

Jeff shared, “I operate ostensibly as a single agent.” And a year ago, “The market was going crazy, obviously. Listings were king. They still are. My listings were starting to dry up. They were selling quicker than I could put them on the market.”

“I’ve been in the business for excess of 25 years. I’ve built a pretty good source of business through past clients and referrals from those past clients.” 

So I was looking for another source of listings and just happened to stumble across StreetText. I started the trial. It was very successful in the first week in terms of getting leads. Was very appreciative of the fact that the system was fairly simple. The templates were already created. There wasn’t a whole lot to it. The dashboard was concise. It was spot on in what I was looking to do for tracking.”

“I’ve been with StreetText for coming up on a year. During that time I’ve closed 5 (now 6) transactions and 2 listings that I’ll be onboarding in the next week to 10 days. As far as I’m concerned it’s been a great success. The return on investment is astronomical.”

Jeff runs the home value and listing ads from within StreetText. “I don’t run buyers ads. I run strictly seller ads. Again, just a function of looking for a secondary lead source for listings.”

There’s no shortage of leads coming in. I don’t care where you are. If you’re running the right ads you’re going to get leads.”

Jeff then does his own follow up.

“I operate ostensibly as a single agent. I do have an assistant who does some background research for me. But ultimately it’s me making contact to the client through text, through video, through phone calls.” 

His follow up system consists of a combination of Julie, his built-in StreetText text message automation. Homebot, to automate his home value system. BombBomb and Follow Up Boss, his CRM.

“The more value I can add, the more they look to me as a resource, and ultimately when they are ready, mine will be the first name that comes to mind when the time comes to start thinking about putting their property on the market. So we’re not asking… we’re giving.

Jeff explains into his follow up process. Which I’ll be sharing in another email.

For Jeff, the StreetText Mastermind’s are key to his success.

“My greatest tool has been the Mastermind. We all start from scratch with this system and we don’t know what to do. So the Mastermind and the guides have been extremely helpful at walking people through what they need to do.” 

“The benefit of StreetText is you’ve got a week of a trial. And I’m assuming that most people who sign up, see the leads that start to come in, are duly impressed. And there’s no reason for them not to go forward.”

“Again, when you look at the potential return of investment it’s a no brainer.”

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