Best Social Media Platforms for Real Estate Lead Generation

January 4, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Best Social Media Platforms for Real Estate Lead Generation

January 4, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Best Social Media Platforms for Real Estate Lead Generation

January 4, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Being present on social media isn’t just something people do with their personal lives. It is now extremely common that businesses and brands are also active across social media platforms. There are numerous benefits to having a strong brand social media presence. For one, it allows you to build your reputation, post about the topics relevant to your industry, and shape opinions. It is also a key point of contact. Many new relationships are forged on social media platforms, making it one of the most important spheres for lead generation.

In the real estate industry, each client you add can be of massive significance to the growth of your business. Acquiring clients is highly competitive, but it can be done with a comprehensive lead generation strategy. Social media is a crucial way to connect with new leads and build relationships. With advertising tools and a content strategy, you can generate huge numbers of prospects and fill out your appointment calendar.

There are multiple social media platforms with different marketing and lead generation opportunities for real estate agents. Let’s explore the best social media platforms for real estate lead generation.


Instagram is a social media platform entirely based on the visual medium. It is most commonly used for photos, but it is also a hub for short-form video content. Facebook owns Instagram, but it is a massively important social channel in its own right. According to The Vege, Instagram has now passed two billion monthly active users. Many of these users are in a vital age buying demographic. According to Statista, 62% of Instagram users are between 18 and 34. This makes it a critical platform for agents to be present on, with a massive and young user base.

There are many ways agents can focus on lead generation on Instagram. Creating a business page is a big and easy one. Update it with pictures of happy clients, sold homes, and key updates. Keep your Direct Messages open, and be proactive with reaching out to others. Because Facebook owns Instagram, agents can run Facebook Ads on the app, with targeted outreach to specific accounts.


This is an option for real estate agents looking to capitalize on a rising trend. TikTok is a platform that has entered the mainstream and is growing as rapidly as any social media platform globally. TikTok is a short-form video content platform that is incredibly popular right now, and it is not just popular with children and teens. According to CNBC, TikTok has over one billion monthly users. According to Backlinko‘s data from 2020, 75% of TikTok’s users are over the age of 20.

Lead generation on TikTok will require some creativity, as the marketing practices are less established. However, many real estate agents have found serious success on the platform. House tour videos, real estate-based social content, and general branding that aligns with the standard means of communication on the platform can all grow your follower base. The TikTok algorithm shares videos with people in regions the content is targeted to, so if you build a follower base on the app and create regional content, you could see yourself connecting with a surprising number of prospective leads. The format is also great for adding more personality and humor to your outreach.


LinkedIn is a social media platform specifically designed for business. It is a massive global platform that is pivotal for networking, marketing to professionals, and building a brand. LinkedIn is a place many real estate marketers go to connect with fellow agents and share business updates, but it is also a platform that can help you acquire new leads. With over 800 million users, according to LinkedIn, it is a massive social platform with serious potential.

LinkedIn has several different avenues for real estate agents looking to acquire new prospects on the platform. One great way to connect with more potential clients is through a LinkedIn newsletter. This is a great branding tool that allows you to share and disperse relevant content to provide important information to potential leads. Another tool is LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This is best for commercial real estate agents, but it gives you access to a massive number of people, who can be sorted by job, demographics, and more.


Facebook should need no introduction at this point. It is a social media platform that has come to dominate the market. It is a consistent part of the national discourse, a constantly growing and evolving platform that has spread worldwide to be the biggest social media platform on the planet. According to Statista, Facebook has over 261 million monthly active users combined between Canada and the United States, a significant majority of the people in these two nations. It is the platform with the broadest range of people and is thus an essential part of any social media lead generation strategy.

Building a Facebook business page is an essential start if you’re looking to reach new leads on Facebook. This makes you more visible to new leads. From there, you should focus on utilizing Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads can be targeted based on location and age and are trackable, with key analytics.

To launch your Facebook Ads lead generation into the stratosphere, partner with StreetText. StreetText is a Facebook lead capture platform specifically designed and created to help real estate agents. StreetText gives you customizable ad templates with top-of-the-line funnels that will help you attract leads without the constant hands-on time investment. Our lead funnel systems can be automated for maximum efficiency, and the campaigns are easy to manage, track, and adjust. StreetText is a lead generation system that will help you book more appointments and build that client base you’ve been working for.

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