Leon Harper, Washington Real Estate Agent, Shares His Success with StreetText

November 18, 2022

By Samantha Strazanac

Leon Harper

Leon Harper, Washington Real Estate Agent, Shares His Success with StreetText

November 18, 2022

By Samantha Strazanac

Leon Harper

Leon Harper, Washington Real Estate Agent, Shares His Success with StreetText

November 18, 2022

By Samantha Strazanac

Leon Harper

Markus sat down (more like logged onto Zoom) with Realtor Leon Harper to discuss the impact of StreetText’s Facebook Ads management platform on his real estate leads and how it has helped build his book of business.

Home buyers and sellers see hundreds of ads daily for real estate listings and agents, making it challenging for realtors to cut through the noise and engage with potential customers. Even as a successful realtor in the Seattle area, Leon was always searching for a way to generate new leads and was growing frustrated with ineffective ads. “I didn’t have a center of focus of where to run my online business,” Leon shared on his call with Markus. “StreetText has given me the focus as to where I need to go online to be successful with the leads that I’m bringing in.”

Coffee Time
Coffee Time

Since implementing StreetText’s Facebook Ads management platform, Leon has seen an increase in leads and conversions.

“StreetText’s services free up time for me to focus on other systems,” Leon explained on the call. “You guys rank at the top when it comes to Facebook. It’s helped me to improve other systems that I weave into Facebook.”

Having had so much success with StreetText’s Facebook Ads Management Platform in Seattle, Leon is now using StreetText to generate leads in the Houston area too!

StreetText’s effective lead-generating software isn’t the only reason Leon is happy with the company. StreetText’s dedication to understanding his business has made a world of difference. “What I like about StreetText is that I get the total package,” Leon shared. “StreetText took the time to learn my business and is always willing to evolve. You are one of the easiest platforms to work with.”

Leon explained how he values the team’s flexibility: “If you don’t have a solution at first, you come up with one.” Leon also explained that having a responsive team to call on makes a world of difference.

Caffeine Time
Mocha Time

When asked when he realized when StreetText was working for his business, Leon happily shared his success story. During his free trial with StreetText’s services, he received a real estate lead looking to sell a house. “I had a sign in that lead’s yard by the weekend and sold the house in a week,” Leon shared on the call. Since then, more and more leads have poured in for Leon, and he can manage them effectively in one place.

StreetText’s mission is to make digital marketing simple. Leon’s real estate success is just one example of StreetText’s innovative and responsive digital marketing solutions. StreetText’s platform works to hone in on an audience that matches your target customer, making it an excellent lead generation tool for any industry.

Running Facebook ads can be time-consuming, confusing, and costly when done incorrectly or without a strategy. A poorly planned campaign can often be too broad or too narrow and have improper messaging and imagery. StreetText’s platform helps to laser focus your desired audience even down to a zip code, making your ad campaign as effective as possible with your targeting and generating the maximum number of leads for your budget. The StreetText Insider Facebook group provides a community of StreetText users who help, coach, and guide each other to compose the most successful Facebook advertising campaign possible. It’s a community of real estate agents joining together to help each other succeed in their respective markets.

Powered by Coffee

Gone are the days of managing leads on multiple platforms. Our lead-generating software funnels your potential customers to one location, allowing you to engage and convert them more effectively. Learn how StreetText’s Facebook Ads management platform can work to help you build your brand and generate quality leads consistently and effectively. Contact us today to learn more and sign up for a free one-week trial!

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StreetText makes advertising on Facebook & Instagram easy. Tap into new leads, be everywhere with remarketing, and exponentially grow your business 🚀

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