How To Passively Generate More Real Estate Leads Online

May 27, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

How To Passively Generate More Real Estate Leads Online

May 27, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

How To Passively Generate More Real Estate Leads Online

May 27, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

The goal of real estate marketing is to find the best real estate leads without investing a massive amount of time. The average agent is busy with client meetings, home showings, negotiations, and other aspects of real estate that are the pillars of their job. They can’t invest huge chunks of their day into marketing, even if it is just as important as the rest of their work. That means agents need to find ways to passively generate seller leads or buyer leads.

This will require setting up lead capture funnels online through various means. These funnels should draw in prospects, introduce them to you and your services, and put them on the pathway to connecting with you and your real estate business. Let’s look at some of the different methods that can be set up to passively generate real estate leads online.

SEO Optimize Your Website

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most crucial lead capture funnels. Any business trying to utilize the internet to its fullest potential should know how SEO impacts their results.

SEO defines where your website or content ranks on search engines like Google or Bing. These algorithms use pre-defined preferences such as keywords, backlinks, and crosslinks to rank web pages based on their authority. Ensuring an SEO-optimized website is vital to attracting consistent traffic through the internet. According to Intergrowth, 75% of people never click past the first page of search engines, so appearing early is a must.

Host and Attend Webinars

Webinars are educational events driven by knowledgeable professionals. They serve as excellent networking opportunities and can be shared across platforms as a branding exercise. Essentially, webinars can serve as branded marketing opportunities where experts share their insights with a group of interested leads.

Running a real estate webinar is a form of marketing that agents can consider. Creating an exciting webinar discussion that provides value to your leads will help if you have connected with leads and want to continue nurturing them. This can also be repurposed on your website or social media to continue to draw people in long after you’ve done the initial work.

Post Value-Driven Blogs

If you want to have a website that continues to draw people in, a blog goes a long way. First of all, it is vital for SEO. You can create different blogs on relevant topics prospective leads might be searching for, which will draw leads to your website. Secondly, it is a way of providing value and keeping leads interested and engaged.

While this does require hands-on work, your blogs don’t leave the internet after you create them. Creating blogs designed to add value to your leads while also appearing in people’s search results will continue to bring users to your website long after you’ve created them.

Build Online Collaborations

Having your content shared and linked by other sources goes a long way for SEO and real estate marketing. For starters, search algorithms will assign you more authority when your content is linked. These links will also draw people in from other sources.

Collaborating with others in your real estate network to get these links is a great way to help improve your SEO and passively bring in more potentially interested leads. Typically, agents will connect with other agents that they aren’t directly competing with and agree to link particular articles to each other’s pages. These collaborations are excellent lead generation techniques and good for networking.

Aim For Viral Content

Social media virality is fickle, and achieving it can be difficult. But there are agents out there whose use of platforms like TikTok and YouTube has genuinely transformed their careers. You may not achieve a viral sensation on your first attempt, but it is worthwhile to try and build up your video-based social media because of the impact it can have.

Creating video house tours or days in the life of an agent are the kinds of real estate videos that have found massive audiences on social media. Not only does this help with branding, but it also links back to websites and social media pages where agents can convert leads. These videos have long shelf lives and will continue to drive traffic.

Sign up for StreetText

Real estate lead generation software options offer users a way to passively generate leads in a hands-off manner. StreetText is one of them. StreetText is one of the Facebook marketing tools that allows users to create, deploy, and even automate lead capture funnels. These enable users to generate a massive number of new leads without a significant time investment.

StreetText allows agents to create customized Facebook real estate ads that can be targeted according to location and demographic details. These ads can be easily managed through the StreetText platform, allowing agents to free up more time to focus on other aspects of their business as the leads flow in. Start a Seven-Day Trial to see first-hand how StreetText helps grow your real estate business.

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