How to reach Millennials with Real Estate Facebook Ads

March 1, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

How to reach Millennials with Real Estate Facebook Ads

March 1, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

How to reach Millennials with Real Estate Facebook Ads

March 1, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Demographic changes drive a lot of different decisions that marketers have to make.

When you are deciding how to reach new customers, you must understand who these customers are and what defines them. Right now, one generation has aged into the most important one in the economy.

Millennials are the generation born from 1981-1996. This means that the age group is right now between 25-41. This is an age cohort that is incredibly vital to reach, and regardless of industry, knowing how to market to millennials is important. It is all the more important for real estate agents.

According to data from the National Association of Realtors, millennials make up the largest share of homebuyers in the United States. They account for 37% of the home purchases on the real estate market today.

Appealing to this generation of home buyers and sellers should be something every real estate agent should be considering. They’ve aged into the dominant buying cohort and a market of people to which agents should be gearing their lead generation strategy. Let’s look at how to best appeal to millennials to generate real estate leads.

1. Build Your Online Profile

According to Real Estate Express, 94% of millennials use online websites for home searches.

Millennials are an extremely online generation, a group of adults who came of age as the internet began to take shape. If you don’t have a consistent and significant online presence, you might be missing out on the opportunity to connect with millennials in the way they prefer.

You should be developing a comprehensive online presence that is up-to-date with how the typical millennial uses the internet. For starters, being visible to search engines is extremely important.

Here’s some ideas to get your started:

  • Utilize your website as a way to rank higher on algorithms by creating more content about yourself (like an about page, or blog)
  • Have an easier-to-spot profile on social media with photos of yourself and your name
  • Ensure you have set up your Google My Business account.

    This is a way to appear on local Google searches if you build an account listing yourself as a business. Accounts are free to make, and according to LocalIQ, 64% of consumers have used Google My Business to find contact details for local businesses.  

2. Emphasize Environmental Consciousness

Every generation has different values influenced by the times they grew up in.

Baby boomers were born in a time of upheaval and economic prosperity following World War 2. Gen Z was born into a world where the virtual world was rapidly developing. Millennials were raised as issues surrounding climate change, and the environment was taking center stage during their formative years.

According to the Pew Research Center, millennials are very actively engaged with environmental causes. A poll showed that 71% of millennials believe that climate should be the top priority to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations, more than any other generation. 28% of millennials reported taking action to address climate change, the second-most of any generation.

If you want to appeal to millennials, utilize their values. Here’s some ideas that might apply to your market:

  • Emphasize the environmentally conscious nature of aspects of a new lisitng
  • Talk about the green aspects of a particular neighborhood you are trying to reach
  • Talk about an environmentally conscious way you conduct business.

Appealing to millennials using the issues they care about is an important way to speak the language of the leads you are hoping to attract. Millennials are activated about the environment. Keeping that in mind with your outreach is important. 

3. Utilize Social Media

Because millennials are extremely online, they are also extremely involved with social media.

According to data from Writers Block Live, 79% of U.S millennials use social media multiple times a day. Millennials are extremely active on every platform, from TikTok to Instagram and Facebook. They are also prolific online purchasers. Even though real estate lead generation is not e-commerce, millennials’ willingness to make buying decisions online makes it important to target them on the internet.

Using social media content and advertising to target millennials is the best format for lead generation to this age cohort. Millennials are abundant on social media, and you should be using it to target them in the places they already are. The same report from Writers Block Live showed that 87% of American millennials use Facebook at least once a week, an extreme majority of the population. Facebook should be at the heart of your lead generation strategy to appeal to millennials.

If you are a real estate agent looking to improve your lead generation capabilities on Facebook, StreetText may be for you. StreetText is a platform built for agents looking to expand their client list. With a lead generation and capture system, StreetText utilizes Facebook Ads to get you in touch with more high-quality prospects than ever before. Marketing to millennials is a process that takes experience, but with StreetText, you can automate a lead capture system and create high-performing and customizable Facebook Ads that will deliver significant results.

Start a 7-day trial with StreetText to connect with a massive number of real estate leads, and feel free to reach out to one of our ad experts to talk more about reaching millennials in your area!

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