How To Launch A Real Estate TikTok Account

May 25, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

How To Launch A Real Estate TikTok Account

May 25, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

How To Launch A Real Estate TikTok Account

May 25, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Social media is the new central form of advertising for agents. While referrals are still most agents’ largest source of new clients, online marketing is the controllable marketing format bringing in most clients for agents. If you want to find the best real estate leads, the internet is the place to go. Several social channels provide great opportunities to agents willing to explore them. One that has become more prominent recently is TikTok.

TikTok is a platform that has passed over a billion monthly active users, and it has skyrocketed to relevance over the past several years. It has become a viable real estate lead generation source, with many agents developing a huge audience on the app.  

TikTok is centered around short-form video content, which plays extremely well with real estate marketing. Agents can share homes, interview homebuyers, and leverage the power of the algorithm to connect them with prospects. It is a great place for agents to implement new real estate lead generation techniques.

Let’s explore step-by-step how agents can successfully build and launch a TikTok account to start attracting new leads.

Step One: Research the Platform

Before you launch a TikTok lead generation strategy, it is important to familiarize yourself with the platform. TikTok is a social channel dominated by trends. Different sounds and video styles will go viral, and users will recreate them with their own unique spins. Learning how these trends work and the type of content that plays well on the platform will help agents understand how to create more viral content on their own.

Look at the works of other real estate agents on the platform. See whose content is going viral, which agents are attracting attention, and the style of the videos that perform well. The more you understand TikTok and what makes content successful on the platform, the better your real estate lead generation ideas will perform.

Step Two: Consider Your Audience

Before you set your account up, another consideration should be the audience you hope to target. Two different things will determine this. The first should be who your real estate offerings are geared towards. Do you operate within a specific region or city and work with a certain kind of buyer or seller? Do you have a specific niche you specialize in?

The second consideration should be based on TikTok’s user base. TikTok has an audience base that skews young. 55% of TikTok users are between the age of 18-34. It is primarily geared towards millennials and Gen Z. If you are hoping to target older audiences, TikTok might not be the right platform for you.

Step Three: Set Up Your Account

If you’ve researched the platform and considered your audience, the next step is to get your account up and running. If you are setting up your TikTok account, make sure you make it a TikTok business account. This will allow you to run paid ads, get real-time analytics and performance tracking, and drive traffic back to your business’ website.

This will give you additional insights into how your content performs and ensure that you see value from your page. Getting an account set up is simple. Just download the TikTok app, tap the Me tab at the bottom of the page, click Manage Account, and switch to a business account.

Step Four: Develop and Share Content

Once your account is set up, everything is in position for you to start utilizing it. There are many different ways to create TikTok content that functions as a lead generation source for your business. You can advertise new listings, share branding videos about you and your team, and spotlight neighborhoods that you are working within.

There are a lot of different kinds of real estate videos that will play well on TikTok. While the length limit on the app has been brought up to ten minutes, remember that short and punchy plays best on the app. Use your research from the first step to guide your content decisions.

Step Five: Consider TikTok Tools

Like many other social media platforms, there are tools available to improve businesses’ performance. With TikTok, the TikTok for Business tools will serve as a useful asset for agents. This tool helps agents target their outreach, run paid advertisements, and more. It is an all-in-one business hub that will be a key part of any TikTok lead generation strategy.

The TikTok for Business tools allows you to budget, target, customize an ad, and more. Using this along with a TikTok content marketing strategy will help you get the most of all this app can offer. TikTok is a relatively new platform, but agents need to start seeing firsthand all it can offer.

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