Facebook: A Guide to Real Estate Marketing on the World’s Biggest Social Platform

July 6, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Facebook: A Guide to Real Estate Marketing on the World’s Biggest Social Platform

July 6, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Facebook: A Guide to Real Estate Marketing on the World’s Biggest Social Platform

July 6, 2022

By Cameron Kozinets

Facebook: A Breakdown

Facebook is the biggest social media network on the planet. There are 2.9 billion monthly active users on the platform worldwide. While social media platforms like TikTok are becoming increasingly popular amongst 18-24 year olds, Facebook remains the best social channel for reaching your target audience. Real estate agents wondering how to generate seller and buyer leads will find Facebook an excellent place to connect with home owners and buyers.

Graph: Facebook Users Chart

Facebook marketing for real estate agents is highly impactful for several reasons. For one, there are a lot of tools that ease the process for agents and make connecting to new leads easy. Facebook is easily the most developed social platform for marketing, with many Facebook marketing tools and solutions that can be implemented on the website.

Facebook also has an array of content formats that can be accommodated on the website. Agents can use multiple formats or find a single one they are comfortable with. These include status updates, blogs, newsletters, videos, photographs, and more. Facebook has very few limitations, so an array of real estate lead generation ideas can be utilized.

The large and diverse user base of Facebook is another key selling point. 42% of the Facebook users in the US are between 18-34, and over 43% are between 35-64. There are Facebook users of all ages and backgrounds.

Facebook Pages

When Facebook marketing, there are two primary approaches. Content marketing, through Facebook Pages or running Facebook ads. Agents can do one or both. Facebook Pages are a way to connect with prospective clients, share updates, and build a brand. Facebook has several tools for agents running pages that will allow them to grow their base and use the content as an effective form of social media outreach.

Facebook allows agents to create a business page to share content with followers, message Facebook users, and use it to serve as a digital front-facing component of their business. Every agent should have a Facebook page because this helps with Search Engine Optimization and branding. Agents can promote their page by running ads that lead back to it, and with a page, they can do things like run a newsletter or share new listings.

A page should be engaging and informative. It is inbound marketing, a way to bring people in without necessarily going to them directly.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow agents to reach people on social media that may not be following them or know who they are. These advertisements appear in users’ feeds, where agents can introduce themselves and explain how they can potentially add value to the user. Facebook Ads are one of the most impactful marketing tools on the planet, with an average ROI of 152%.

Using Ads in your Facebook lead generation campaign is a must, and these highly useful forms of social outreach have a lot of features that make them stand out. One of the best features of a Facebook Ad is targeting. Agents can target who sees their marketing, ensuring only the right leads will see their content. They can choose their targeting according to age, location, and more. They can even target lookalike audiences, which are people similar to other targeted groups, which helps expand the reach.

Facebook Ads are highly useful, and help agents reach prospective clients they would have had difficulty connecting with before. The success of the Facebook Ads is still dependent on providing value, using an engaging hook and visuals that stop the scroll, so content is still important here.

Facebook Marketing Tools

As we’ve mentioned, the marketing ecosystem on Facebook is highly developed. Facebook has been used for advertising since 2012, and many other companies have built their businesses around helping other people find success using Facebook marketing. There are several tech solutions built to optimize the performance of Facebook lead generation campaigns.

One of the best Facebook marketing tools available to agents is StreetText. This is a Facebook ads platform designed to help real estate agents connect with more clients than ever before. StreetText provides you with a proven lead capture system that has helped thousands of agents connect with millions of leads. This system offers a library of lead capture ads (with the full funnel) that agents can customize and deploy, and the follow up can also be automated to help agents get the most out of their time.

The StreetText ads can be monitored through a dashboard that provides high-quality data and can be tweaked according to results. The StreetText Facebook marketing tools are targeted, easy to use, and highly effective. Try a Seven-Day Trial Today to see how they can help grow your business.

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