What is the best marketing strategy in a low-inventory market?

May 25, 2023

By Jonathan Whiting

Listing marketing open house ad in low-inventory market

What is the best marketing strategy in a low-inventory market?

May 25, 2023

By Jonathan Whiting

Listing marketing open house ad in low-inventory market

What is the best marketing strategy in a low-inventory market?

May 25, 2023

By Jonathan Whiting

Listing marketing open house ad in low-inventory market

“Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.”

This week I was on Chime’s panel about content marketing. Afterwards Chime sent me some questions that had come up.

One question was about, what niche to target? The other was about, what CTA types are getting the best responses right now?

To answer, we need to take into account the market we are in. 

As of May 2023, the real estate market is characterized by a low housing inventory which is approximately 46% below the historical average dating back to 1999.

So despite rising rates we still see more demand than inventory.

That said, single family construction is up 2.7%, which is good.

Back to the first question, this tells us that we need to be strategic on the avatar we are focusing our marketing around this year.

If you’re focused on attracting listings, it’s helpful to know that approximately 60% of people with a mortgage have an interest rate below 4%. This means they’re incentivized to stay in their home, keeping inventory low. 

Whereas, anyone with equity in their homes are in a great position to buy. So finding a niche of people who would be likely to list to upsize or downsize may prove to be a more productive use of ones resources. Than say, targeting people who’ve recently purchased or refinanced.

Another opportunity is the home buying side. Because of the low inventory listings are now the best offer to attract the right list. But again, you’ll want to attract buyers who have the most options available. So they’re looking for the home that this market’s sellers have.

(Hot tip 🔥) We’re seeing open house ads performing very well right now for real estate agents on StreetText.

Which brings us to an interesting opportunity. Now is a great time to build a list of off-market properties. How do you do that? It’s easier than you think. All those people who raised their hand that they are interested in a home value or selling are likely holding off because of the low inventory. 

But they are the most likely to sell if the right offer comes their way. Use this to your advantage.

Now let’s discuss the CTA, call-to-action.

The message is more important for CTA conversion than the type. 

Use a variation of the message that attracted a person to you in the first place. Were they looking at a specific property? Ask them, “Are you still interested in homes with 3 bedrooms?” 

You can use this message, or a version of it as a quick email, text message, or even a remarketing ad. 

The key is to remember, it’s about opening up a conversation. You’re looking for an opportunity to connect so you can learn about their needs and they can learn to trust that you are the agent to help them.

What’s your action step? Finally, let’s put it all together. 

👉 Pick a niche/avatar. 

👉 Run ads that attract that avatar. 

👉 Build an off-market list of properties.

👉 Craft 7-10 problems that your avatar faces. 

👉 Choose 1 of those problems each month, create content that answers those problems. Post that content on your social feeds and email newsletter, building trust and providing value.

👉 Turn those social content posts into remarketing ads to show to your entire database on StreetText. So your content is seen.

👉 And then leverage CTA ads within the remarketing bundle to find the people most ready to take action and get conversions.

This is how you play smarter in 2023.

Want to learn more about how to take your content marketing game to the next level with StreetText’s remarketing ad bundles and call-to-action ads that are designed to convert? Now worries, you can find out more here!

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