What does a senior marketer and Muay Thai have in common?

June 10, 2023

By Jonathan Whiting

What does a senior marketer and Muay Thai have in common?

June 10, 2023

By Jonathan Whiting

What does a senior marketer and Muay Thai have in common?

June 10, 2023

By Jonathan Whiting

“Maturity isn’t a product of growing older. It’s a product of growing wiser.”

~ Ann Landers.

Steve and I were at Hubspot’s Headquarters this week. There I met another Jonathan. He’s the Senior Vice President of Marketing at Hubspot.

He shared his thoughts on where digital marketing is heading in the next few years.

Then he got personal and remarked about his own journey. Hubspot is a billion dollar company. He’s responsible for a massive budget, multiple departments report to him, and yet he still feels the emotional ups/downs of growing a business.

He said that he has to constantly step back and train his mind to see the long game. Otherwise one day he’s feeling like he’s winning. And the next day he’s losing. Because his attention is on driving the outcomes and hitting their goals.

He remarked, it’s about “seeing the long game, there are so many up and downs. Winning 1 day. Losing the next. Recognizing there’s no failure. That it’s all just evolution and growth.”

He’s learned to see the ups and downs as part of the process of growth.

Then Steve and I were invited to visit a renowned Muay Thai gym. The 7 times world champion was there. As well as a 3 time UFC fighter. We got to see them spar. They were calm and relaxed, even when getting hit in the head. Someone with us noted this and asked, “It looks like you’re having a conversation in there.” 

They responded, “When has getting flustered ever helped anyone?”

They went on to explain that the art of mastery is mastery of oneself. It’s no different than any high level position.

I wish you an amazing week.

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