How Gina did 6 additional deals in 5 months from Facebook!

August 24, 2017

By Elysse Bujold

Gina Wade

How Gina did 6 additional deals in 5 months from Facebook!

August 24, 2017

By Elysse Bujold

Gina Wade

How Gina did 6 additional deals in 5 months from Facebook!

August 24, 2017

By Elysse Bujold

Gina Wade

Each and every person ventures into real estate for different reasons and Gina Wade was no exception.

After completing a degree in Marketing, Gina decided to make a different move into the real estate world. During my call with Gina, she explained that before becoming a real estate agent she first ventured into Site sales in new developments and construction.

Gina spent the first few years in real estate working for builders, and selling homes based off a prototype. I had many questions, which included “How do you sell something that isn’t there?”

Gina Wade
Real StreetText Client, Gina Wade, Gina Wade Real Estate

She had to sell people based on a vision and an empty lot. The difficulty that surrounds this struck me as being very high – but Gina brushed it off as being a stepping stone for her current experience as an independent Realtor.

“Selling a concept is much different than selling something that already exists,” Gina explained. When asked what the big differences between the two were, she said that she would much rather take people through what they’re actually buying – opposed to the idea of their new home.

Working with builders created a very good client base for her.

Prior to becoming an independent real estate agent, “I was able to sell hundreds of new homes in my community and build a good network of clients.” Once she had her son, Gina decided that on-site new construction real estate did not fit her families life. Gina made the move to Real Estate so she could set her own schedule and manage the workload.

Gina is a full-time mother, and shares her life with a husband who is a full-time firefighter in their area.

Her prior experience and client base gave her a great start with referrals and repeat business. All she needed was an online lead generation to take her business to the next level.

StreetText helps Gina gain leads through her real estate Facebook ads. By using StreetText’s proven lead generation platform, Gina could use her time to leverage her existing follow up systems to contact her leads through email, personalized letters, as well as schedule time with her clients.

Once a lead comes through the StreetText dashboard, Gina immediately contacts them.

Within the first 24 hours, Gina automatically sends her leads an email.

This email contains the home evaluation estimate based on the owners’ tax records – but never the direct amount. In her emails, Gina specifically mentions that she would love to speak to the homeowner further and tell them more about their area, and herself as a person.

When asked about her technique in her initial email, Gina told me that she builds her email so that the lead wants to respond right away. She provides them with just enough information to stay curious.

When it comes to submissions with no email address, she sends a mail out almost immediately.

Her prior experience in real estate leads put her off to a great start. “Within the first week of trying StreetText, I got one listing and one buyer!”

“Within the first week of trying StreetText, I got one listing and one buyer!”

“A lot of people don’t reply to your emails, but when you send a personalized letter, people almost always acknowledge it. People always open letters.”

Gina also mentioned that even if she has the leads email address, and phone number – she’ll still send the homeowner a letter. The day we spoke, Gina mentioned that she had just purchased 200 stamps, which would have been gone by the end of the week.

This has contributed to 16 deals in just 8 months… 6 of which are deals from StreetText alone. With the average home selling for 200,000 in her area, Gina is doing exceptionally well with her current tactics.

Gina mentioned she’s looking forward to being able to start a coffee card campaign, or something similar so she’s reaching out to each lead with more of a ‘wow’ factor. For the time being, working and being a mother is taking up a lot of her time.

Gina loves improving her business. When asked what she projects her results will be for the remainder of the year – Gina explained that she wants to build a better and more streamlined follow-up system. Working on an email campaign, or more marketing techniques that will bring her business to the next level.

StreetText allows her the time to focus on growth, as well as the time to take care of her clients and growing business. Since we look after her real estate Facebook ads and lead generation, Gina has more time to focus on the important aspects of her growing real estate business.

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StreetText makes advertising on Facebook & Instagram easy. Tap into new leads, be everywhere with remarketing, and exponentially grow your business 🚀

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