Facebook is excellent at showing you which friends are on vacation, you can use this simple tip to add value to them while they are away.
Be memorable!
Have you tried something like this before?
Hi everyone, it’s Steve Whiting here from StreetText. Here’s a cool little tip that you can use to engage your clients while they’re traveling. Facebook is so cool for showing you people that are traveling, because while they’re traveling they end up uploading their photos, they can share their experience while they’re away. So what you can do is you can see where they’re at, take a quick a look maybe in Yelp, look at some of the best restaurants, or some really cool activities to do in the area, and send that to them as a nice little list. Send it through Facebook Messenger, to make sure it gets to them. It’s such a cool way of just showing that you’re thinking about them while they’re away and providing value, and it’s much more memorable than if you just send a postcard to their house. That’s a cool little tip, hope you like it. Have a great day.